Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lena rides to WWCC on the AppalCART

Tuesday May 12, 2009 - Lena Norris went to the Western Watauga Community Center located in Cove Creek on the AppalCART.

Coming out of her Tater Hill home.

AppalCART Driver and Cove Creek native, Steve Combs assists Lena into the van.

Lena Norris

Lena arriving at Western Watauga Community Center. Steve lends her a hand.

Steve even carries her pocketbook.

WWCC phone # 828.297-5195

Activities are:
Arts and Crafts Classes and Guilds
Trips and Picnics
Support Groups
Health Screenings
Fitness and Health Promotions
Educational Opportunities
High Country Senior Games
Medical Loan Closet
Reserved Space for Community Activities
Young At Heart Newsletter
Employment Information Assistance
Recreational Activities
AARP's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Seniors Health Ins Info (SHIP)
Volunteer Placement Activities
Information and Referral
Advocacy for rights and benefits of older adults
Retirement Planning Information
Intergenerational Activities
Volunteer Services: chore, friendly, visiting, telephone reassurance

Always willing to lend a helping hand is Toni Wait who is the long-time Director of the Western Watauga Community Center. toni.wait@ncmail.net

Also, many competitive hours of Rook is played at WWCC.