Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Transit-Needs Analysis

Steering Committe meeting for AppalCART's 5-year plan was held at Region D Council of Governments hosted by Transportation Planner Craig Hughes

from KFH Group Lib Fetting

click on photo's to biggify

AppalCART's Operations Manager Tim Townsend
Boone Town Councilperson and AppalCART Board Member Stephen Phillips
Watauga Social Services Social Worker Supervisor III Kedith England
KFH Senior Planner Lib Fetting
(back of) Transportation Director Chris Turner

(white hair) NCDOT-PTD Mobility Development Specialist Patricia P. Perry
Town of Boone Development Coordinator and Planner Jane Shook
bottom right - Joe Furman, Watauga County P & I /EDC Director

Appalachian State Uni Parking & Traffic Director Barry Sauls,
Watauga County Senior Center Director Tabitha Thomas
(head of the table) Watauga Co Parks and Rec Director Stephen Poulos
(out of focus on right)Region D Council of Governments Transportation Planner Craig Hughes

photo's by AppalCART's Joanna Wilcox

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Matthew Read, Scottish heritage

Just in time for the upcoming Highland Games in this area, our driver Matthew Read celebrates his Scottish heritage. In fact, he will be wearing his kilt will driving the shuttles back and forth to Grandfather Mountain.

Let the lily of France in luxuriance bloom,
Let the shamrock of Erin its beauty maintain,
Let the rose of fair England still waft its perfume,
But the Thistle of Scotia will dearest remain.
'Twas the badge that our fathers triumphantly wore
When they followed their sovereigns to vanquish the Dane,
The emblem our Wallace in battle aye bore;
Then the Thistle of Scotia must dearest remain.
It blooms on our mountains, it blooms in the vale,
It blooms in the winter, in snow, and in rain;
The type of her sons when rude seasons assail ~
To Scotia, her Thistle will dearest remain.
Author Unknown