Friday, March 16, 2012

Sandy on the Pink Rt

A pink-route passenger awaits at
Appalachian State University's
Skywalk Brick Shelter.
Yes, this route goes to University Hall.
Sandy sure has a clean bus!
Sandy greets each passenger with a warm smile
and answers questions in a friendly manner.
While driving, she wears her seatbelt
and her orange safety vest.
AppalCART and the passengers
appreciate Sandy's excellent job performance.
Down Rivers Street she goes.

photo's by Director Chris Turner

Thursday, March 15, 2012

AppalCART Cake

Look at the lovely cake that 3 senior-citizen ladies made for us. Weekly, AppalCART transports the ladies from home to Watauga County Project on Aging.

The Lois E. Harrill Senior Center serves the senior citizens of Watauga County and is located in the Watauga County Human Services Building at 132 Poplar Grove Connector, Suite A, Boone. The mission of the Center is to create an environment that encourages independence in older adults and promotes their active participation in all aspects of their lives.